Description: A mangkukulam is just an ordinary person in looks. It is usually associated to an old [ugly] lady with long grayish hair.
Alias: bruho, bruha
Scheme: A mangkukulam can be an ordinary person employing or using the art of “kulam”. “Kulam” or “kulamin” means to bewitch or place a hex. The mangkukulam, as with their western counterpart “the witches” or “sorcerers” can recite spells and mix potions. They are also known to use dolls and needles to remotely hex a victim.
Origin: Unknown, although the myth of the mangkukulam is popular in the islands of Siquijor, and Talalora, Western Samar.
Habitat: Towns, Rural Areas or provinces
Weakness: The curses of a mangkukulam will be stopped if he/she is found and bribed. It can also be stopped or countered by an albularyo.
Secret identity: can be anyone among us
Nemesis: albularyo
ABOUT THE ARTWORK: The image is designed to be a downloadable card that can be collected and played with against friends. The Artwork is a digital copy of the original piece created for the Philippine Mythical Creatures art exhibition at the Philippine Pavilion during the Pistang Pilipino 2016 sa Wellington. Credits to Alex, Samantha and Xandrix for creating the art pieces.