22 November, 1913
Cecilia Muñoz-Palma, the first Filipino woman to be chosen Justice of the Supreme Court, was born in Bauan, Batangas.
Appointed by President Ferdinand E. Marcos on October 29, 1973, Muñoz-Palma penned several opinions adverse to the martial law government of her appointer.She later became a leading figure in the political opposition against Marcos, and was elected to the Batasang Pambansa as an assembly member for Quezon City.
During President Corazon C. Aquino’s presidency following the 1986 People Power Revolution, Muñoz-Palma was appointed president of the 1986 Constitutional Commission that drafted the 1987 Constitution.
She died on January 2, 2006, at the age of 92.
(Ref: Philippine News Agency; Photo from justicepalmafoundation.org)