Did you know? Sulu Gollumshark or Gollum Suluensis is a species of the genus Gollum. The name is derived from Sulu Sea where it lives while Gollum was taken from J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. It is named after the book’s antihero as it resembles it in form and habits.
Incidentally, the genus Gollum only has one other specie, the New Zealand Gollumshark (Attenuatus). The Sulu Gollumshark differs from its cousin “for having a darker, plainer and less contrasted coloration, softer body, shorter and broader snout, smaller spiracle, larger pectoral fin, wider head, as well as larger proportions of the nostril, mouth and interorbital space.” (Ref. imphscience)