Confucius once said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This is a philosophy that our featured Kiwi-Pinoy has lived by.
Recently, some of our kababayans were featured in a segment of an NZ TV programme Seven Sharp. They are working as farmers in a farm in Maniatoto, Otago. A crack-of-dawn start on a cold and harsh weather of foreign land would make most people quit, but not these Pinoys. It’s a job that no Kiwi wants, yet our featured Filipinos call it their piece of paradise.
Watch the video below and enjoy this feel-good story of our kababayans who excel in what they do. Who wouldn’t be inspired in their dedication to their job?
Note: Neil Molina (interviewed in this video) is a veterinarian from Batangas who was named Best Farm Manager of the Year in the Dairy Industry Awards for 2013.
Click below to watch the video:

Article: PinoyStop
Video: TVNZ Seven Sharp
Photo Credit: Farm Weekly